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  • Swiss tech firm launches AI made of human brain cells rental service

Swiss tech firm launches AI made of human brain cells rental service

Australia took down 600 crypto scams, says AI will make it worse

Today's Newsletter is brought to you by ChatOga. Converse with ChatGPT via the messaging platforms you already use – WhatsaApp & Telegram.


Swiss tech firm launches AI made of human brain cells rental service

Swiss technology firm FinalSpark recently launched a program that allows scientists to rent cloud access to “biocomputers” made out of human brain cells for a mere $500 a month.

Australia took down 600 crypto scams, says AI will make it worse

Australia’s financial markets regulator says due to the evolving nature of technology, it’s  becoming increasingly challenging for consumers to identify fraudulent schemes.

Biggest US companies warn of growing AI risk

Study finds more than half of Fortune 500 groups cited new technology as a potential hazard in their latest annual reports.

OpenAI’s new voice mode let me talk with my phone, not to it

I’ve been playing around with OpenAI’s Advanced Voice Mode for the last week, and it’s the most convincing taste I’ve had of an AI-powered future yet. This week, my phone laughed at jokes, made them back to me, asked me how my day was, and told me it’s having “a great time.” I was talking with my iPhone, not using it with my hands.


Why AI Models Are Collapsing And What It Means For The Future Of Technology.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized everything from customer service to content creation, giving us tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini that can generate human-like text or images with remarkable accuracy.

Tips & Tricks

Discover 5 Cutting-Edge AI Tools to Try Today

Cool AI Tools

ChatOga: Converse with ChatGPT via the messaging platforms you already use – WhatsaApp & Telegram. (Sponsored)

GpTea: GpTea is a tool that provides a library of engaging prompts sourced from a community. It offers prompts in various niches, with new ones added daily.

Prompt Studio: Prompt Studio is a tool that helps users design effective prompts for their use cases. It aims to simplify the process of exploring and creating variations of prompts to enhance results.

Platoria: Platoria is a tool that helps streamline decision-making with AI-powered product review summaries. It compares prices and reviews from thousands of different vendors to help you find the best deal for your budget.

Cosmos: Cosmos tool is an intelligent video cataloging tool for easier organization and search of footage.

FindAMeal: FindAMeal is a AI-powered restaurant search engine that helps users find the best places to eat based on their personal preferences and the data of multiple food review providers.

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Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch Decries The Human Toll Of Too Much Law So Let’s Put Generative AI To Work And Overrule This Problem For Good.

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